Here’s how I handle rejection.
Well, first, I google ways to disappear to a remote, uninhabited island where no human being can ever find me again.
Then, I take long, trembling breaths to keep my body from spontaneously exploding from the 826373-degree heat of shame.
Then I cry for a week and ask my husband 539 times to reassure me that I’m not an unlovable gargoyle.
Well, I’m exaggerating… but not by much.
All that’s to tell you this: I’m NOT some kind of sturdy beacon of confidence.
I have hella anxiety and rejection sensitivity, and if I can make lots of big bold cold pitches — and reap the rewards — SO CAN YOU.
Here are some things that help… I’ve had a lot of practice.
(1) Remind yourself that you and whoever you’re pitching are EQUALS.
I don’t care if they’re the President of the World. They’re not above you. They are not your Master or Overlord or God.
They are just a human being who farts and burps and has weird rashes and secret insecurities and are trying to figure their shit out, one day at a time.
(The above is true of even the most successful and confident person you can think of.)
And you’re not “below” them. You are a precious child of God, a one-in-8-billion spark of creation, the carrier of sacred soul mission and a unique medicine.
Know this. Feel this. Remember this.
(2) Know this: cold pitching — of the kind where you’re truly answering your dreamiest, squishiest desires — isn’t really about getting the “yes.”
Even though that’s the game we’re pretending to play, it’s actually for the relationship between you and your soul.
Something magical gets activated when you say, “Oh, what the hell, I’m just gonna ask them.”
EVEN IF all you get at first is a string of “no’s”…. I promise you that the mere act of asking will change your brain. It will change your posture. It will change your aura. It will even give your skin a new glow. (don’t ask me how it works… it just does.)
It will make the quantum field around you re-arrange itself around your desires.
And it will hugely expand your nervous system capacity to receive good things (appreciation, praise, money, etc) — and actually hold onto them.
THAT’S the magic.
And it is worth e-very-thing.
Look. I’m not gonna pretend like it’s easy to have a rejection-sensitive brain. (Studies show it often comes with ADHD. Sigh… wouldn’t I know it!)
It’s not. There will be emotional rollercoasters. There might be times when you’ll need to call your bestie to ask them to reassure you that you are not, in fact, an unlovable gargoyle.
But I also want to tell you this: you are worth it.
You’re worth that collaboration with the writer who changed your life, whom you’ve been admiring for the past 5 years.
You’re worth an audience of millions.
You’re worth the magazine feature.
You’re worth selling out your retreat.
Your work is worth it. What God planted inside you is worth it.
And rejection sensitivity is just a symptom of your extraordinary empathy and superior powers of perception…
… NOT a life sentence dooming you to smallness.
You can do this, and we want to show you how.
Our, Cold Pitch Magic, is in just two days…. and what my co-teacher Sam Garcia and I have got planned for you is truly, honest-to-God, life-changing.
Bring all of you.
And we’ve got the rest covered: the A-to-Z of how to make heart-centered, relationship-centering cold pitches that lead to quantum leaps in your life and business.
What to ask for, whom to ask, and how to ask to maximize that magical expansion thing I’m talking about…. we’re giving you ALL of it.
Hope to see you in class.