Feeling a little nauseated after a little harmless “let me just check how much engagement my last post got”…. turned into a 3-hour daze of mindless scrolling? AGAIN?

When you could’ve gone for a walk, organized your pantry, or practiced for your upcoming lipsync battle?

Well, guess what, I came up with an actual social media-free marketing strategy for you!

Yes. One that will actually work.

Due to the limitations of space and time, I cannot create a customized strategy for every single person reading this email….

… but I came up with a strategy for, say, a relationship coach.

If you’re not a relationship coach — which most of you aren’t — use your critical thinking skills and extrapolate how you can apply a similar process to YOUR thing, OKAY??

Y’all are a SMART BUNCH. I trust you.

Let’s go.

1 .Pitch yourself on bigger podcasts… that aren’t a competition.

If you’re a relationship coach, don’t just limit yourself to trying to get on bigger coach-y, relationship-y podcasts.

Sure, some of them might be interested… but they’re probably talking about similar things that you are, so you’re technically kinda in “competition” with each other. (Competition in quotes because I don’t actually believe in competition… but you know what I mean.)

Instead… think like this. In terms of your personal life…. are you into lifting weights?

Great. Pitch your favorite fitness podcasts to bring you on board to talk about strategies for getting healthier and stronger with your sweetie, even if your partner doesn’t seem to be into it. Strengthen your bod AND your relationship!

(Never even thought about that? Well, think about it now!)

Are you into celebrity gossip?

Pitch yourself as a relationship expert to pop culture podcasts so you can talk about the unique way YOU see the problems with Ben Affleck + J Lo’s marriage… and how you think they could mend it. (Or why you think it’s doomed!)

2. Pitch yourself to editors and blogs.

Write down those super-interesting expert thoughts on Bennifer’s marriage, turn it into an article, and pitch editors of online publications, or blogs that get a lot of traffic.

Now you’re a relationship expert, as featured on ___!!!

(Are you seeing the strategy here? Don’t just think about what you always think about… notice what other people are paying attention to, and get creative about finding the Venn diagram intersection!)

3. Pitch yourself to companies.

Find companies that seem value-aligned with you.

And pitch yourself to be featured as part of corporate wellness events. Offer to do a talk on creating healthy relationships, both at home AND at the workplace.

Whatever your ‘thing’ is, never underestimate the diversity of places where people might find it useful.

4. Pitch yourself to conferences.

There are specific conferences happening all the time OUTSIDE of your niche: nutrition, women’s empowerment, mental health, spiritual healing, sustainability, environmental activism…

What are YOU into? Let’s say, you really care about environmental activism.

Find an angle where your relationship expertise can bring unique value, such as… how you can 5x the impact of environmental activism by doing it as a team effort with your partner — and as a bonus, how that can strengthen your relationship, as well!

And then pitch yourself as a featured speaker, or to lead a session.

5. If you know someone who is well-connected, approach them with GENEROSITY.

Let’s say, your friend from college is big in the PR world. Or your cousin is a knitting influencer on Youtube, and knows a lot of other influencers.

You like them, and they like you.

Instead of saying, “hey, can you hook me up for me so I can get more business?”, approach them with a GIFT that they can take up or not, no strings attached.

Like… you “gift” them free relationship coaching sessions with you, except, tell them to gift them to others in their world who could use it.

They can tell their people, “Hey, here’s a voucher for a free relationship coaching session with my friend Ethel. It’s my gift to you — she gifted a limited number of them to me to offer it to people who could really use it, because everyone could use a little support once in a while. She’s amazing and there are no strings attached.”

Then they go out and float your name and expertise in rooms that you never would have reached on your own. And some of the people who take them up on the free sessions might (1) tell their people about you, or (2) feature you in something, or (3) become paying clients.

Inspired? Bubbling up with ideas that will work for YOU?


Now, here are some questions you might have.

  •  “How do I write those pitches well, so they don’t drop to the bottom of the pile and actually get read and responded to?”

 We got your back!! Come join Sam Garcia and me in our upcoming class, Cold Pitch Magic, and we are going to teach you the exact step-by-step.

  • “That sounds scary!!!”

 Let’s be real, it IS! We will never pretend it isn’t scary.

But, come on… you wanted an alternative to posting and posting and posting to what feels like a giant fucking VOID on social media, hoping and praying the algorithm gods smile upon you one day, right?

If you want real results but don’t want to do it that way, something’s gotta give. You gotta put on your Big Human Panties, and make the asks.

It sure helps if you know how to do it in a value-aligned, heart-centered way. We’ll teach you how inside Cold Pitch Magic.

  • “What if I can’t immediately think of what podcast or people or publications to pitch to?”

 We hear you! This is super normal, since not everyone is super well-connected.

You do have do some research… but Sam and I will show you different ways to do so.


Cold Pitch Magic is NOT a shortcut that doesn’t involve effort. It will require thoughtfulness and some elbow grease.

And none of this is an overnight miracle.

The biggest and juiciest opportunities will find you when you’re committed and persistent enough to play the long game.

But I can assure you that (1) YOU ARE WORTH IT. What is inside you is worth it.

And (2) it is a helluva lot faster way to land big opportunities and big audiences than passively posting posting posting on social media, and hoping for the best.

And we got receipts to prove it.

Ready to get in on this magic?

Join us for Cold Pitch Magic, a 2-hour class that finally enable you to break up with social media… or allow you to DIVERSIFY your game, so that you no longer feel at the mercy of Zuckerberg.

Because, God knows, we’ve all had enough of that.

See you there.

More details here.