A note from my partner-in-crime Sam Garcia, that I want to share with you…
(This is all Sam, below ↓ )

A lot of people don’t know that I grew my business without social media.
I even hired my first full-time team member before having an “audience.”
I transitioned from “marketing freelancer” to “marketing agency owner” pretty seamlessly thanks to one simple email.
Properly timed.
Properly worded.
And beyond that… with my heart on my sleeve.
I know it’s “cool” to have thousands, or tens of thousands (or way more!!) people publicly declaring their approval of your work via that simple IG follow…
…to the point where people assign it as an indicator of success.
But it is NOT necessary for the business or impact you want.
Back to that email…
Almost a decade ago now I sent that email — the one that changed the entire trajectory of my entire career.
It was to someone I DREAMED of working with. Like, #1 person of all people I wanted to work with.
She had created an online course that changed my life. She was brilliant, funny, with a truly unique perspective of life as a whole.
And she said yes.
She said yes to a follow up call.
And then yes to the proposal I sent.
And we kept working together for years.
That one email opened so many doors.
To collaborations. To new clients. To me being able to hire people + raise my rates again and again.
It even allowed me the time freedom to build an “audience” over time, in alignment with my longer term goals.
This is the magic of a cold pitch, done right.
Cold pitches get a lot of flack. UNDERSTANDABLY.
Most cold pitches are like a guy at a bar asking out anything that moves. He doesn’t care about you – he just has 1 result he wants in mind.
But cold pitches – to the right people (people you yearn in your heart of hearts to work with), with the right prep and intentions and wording – can change the entire trajectory of your business.
They’re like portals to an entirely different reality.
On June 20, Simone Seol & I are leading a 2-hour workshop, called Cold Pitch Magic.
Cold pitches work for getting dream clients, securing dream jobs, fundraising for causes, getting free stuff, landing dream collaborations, selling your art, and so many other ways.
Grab your ticket now.