Imagine writing someone who has no idea who you are…

… and a week later, you land a 5-figure contract with them.

That’s what Sam Garcia pulled off. With me.

That was 4 years ago, and hiring her remains one of the best decisions I ever made. She’s the best, and I thank God everyday that she was brave enough to pitch me.

So I asked her: “how do you do that thing you do?”

Sam told me all about her unique philosophy and process for cold pitching (and how much money it’s made her over the years — hint: it’s a LOT), and I was like “okay, this is GOLD and the world needs to know this YESTERDAY”.

So we decided to get together and do a one-time class​ called Cold Pitch Magic on June 20th. We thought it’d be fun.

And… you know what?

I changed my mind about why I REALLY want to do this.

And it’s not that the original reason doesn’t matter anymore. It really does.

But what has become even more pressing for me is that social media is a fucking dumpster fire.

People are fucking sick and tired to death of churning out “content”, feeling like they’re speaking into a void and hoping the fickle algorithm gods grant favor on them one day.

Meanwhile, your feed is a post-apocalyptic landfill of shallow, formulaic, dopamine-optimized noise. You’re no longer interacting with humans (remember Instagram circa 2012?). All you’re seeing is brands and A.I.-fortified “growth” strategies shoved endlessly down your throat.

But the terrible thing about social media is that people hate it AND they feel like they can’t leave.

So many folks tell me: “I don’t know what else to do! How else am I gonna get business?”

Well… here’s the thing. There IS an answer.

You get off social media. And talk to people who can hire you, refer you, or put you on a platform.

(Remember how it used to work… before Zuck colonized the world?)

Not churning out “content” to the ethers and hoping and waiting for someone to notice. But actually talking to another human being who can give you an advantage, a sale, a job, or a connection.

Especially if they don’t already know you. Because if your existing network of people who know you and love you were just going to hand you amazing opportunities on a platter… they would have already.

You need to know how to approach someone gracefully, and ask them for things in a way that leaves both parties feeling good, honored and dignified by the exchange and creates an opening for an aligned relationship, regardless of what the outcome is.

Because, let’s face it, sometimes the answer will be a “no”. But that “no” can absolutely bloom into something else later. It’s about genuine human connections, not using people as a means to an end.

THIS is the art of cold pitching done well, and THIS is what’s going to build your business without social media. Without this skill, if you don’t want to be on social media, you got nothing. I’m going to go as far as to say…. you’re kind of fucked.

Having these relational skills…. It’s everything. Everything. Not just for business. But for good human-ing in general.

Still squirming at the idea of cold pitching?

Want to avoid having to pitch folks 1:1 completely? Want to go on podcasts and give talks instead?

Awesome. I want you to do that. But how are you gonna get on podcast, or on that speaking stage, or be featured in that room — without talking to people first? You have to pitch yourself to land those platforms in the first place.

You can do this. And you can do it in a way that feels beautiful to your spirit AND have it actually work.

We’ve worked out the entire “how” — and got plenty of receipts to prove that this works.

So that’s why we’re really teaching this class.

Sam is a genius and a gem if you don’t know her work well yet, you will.

​Cold Pitch Magic class is 45 bucks.

It’s live but you’re gonna get the recording if you sign up.

​Join us.​ And never think about the algorithm ever again for the rest of your life.