(1) I tried it and, while I appreciated the “alternative brain mode” it allowed me to experience, it felt like all the edges, quirks, and colors of the “real me” were being dulled and greyed out and I didn’t like it.

(2) I have a lot of socio-economic privilege that makes it less challenging for me to navigate the day-to-day stuff necessary for survival.

(3) I’m lucky to be surrounded by people who love, appreciate and value me exactly as I am, so I experience minimal ADHD-shaming on a day-to-day basis. This makes existing in my raw brain-state a lot easier.

These are reasons that are personal and true to me. Would this be as easy a decision if I didn’t have all the luck and privilege that softens the challenges of navigating this complicated, neurodivergence-hostile world? 

Most likely not.

I also know so many fellow ADHD humans who adore being on meds that work for them and thrive on them.

I believe this is a highly individual decision, there is no “right answer,” and I think you should trust yourself (and your doctor) with what feels good and true to you.