Questioner: Thank you for the challenge. I closed my business 8 months ago, but I know I want to keep showing up and posting content here. I don’t know what, when, or how I’m going to do business again.
But I’ve loved sharing content since 2010 (and it wasn’t for business before). I want to find my voice again. I want to feel at home when I’m sharing something and feel good, surrounded by people here.
What will be the path, or what should I unlearn and try to unstuck myself from overthinking all of this?
Simone: Show up exactly how you showed up here. Say exactly that. Just tell the truth of where you are, and do it again and again.
Your life is a grand experiment, and so is everyone else’s.
No one knows what they’re doing—especially not me. We are all iterating, messing up, navigating chaos, and learning and growing.
Telling the truth about that is the only interesting thing you can say, and everything else is a performance.
“What do I say?” is your socialized programming trying to think of how to follow the rules you’ve been given. Throw that out the window.
Claim your ticket to the one-and-only live round of Truth or Dare.
Take your “Which one of the 4 types of hiders am I?” quiz, and get your free customized Mini Truth or Dare Challenge.
This is part of a Q&A series regarding the Mini Truth or Dare Challenge. Read the rest:
What if I don’t know what my offer is?
Can you be fierce without alienating people?
How do I get vulnerable without getting unsolicited coaching?
Why is my honesty getting crickets?
How do I get started writing when in limbo?
Is creative expression a “must”?
“I’m okay with my clients hating me for a while, but not my audience!”
“I don’t want to sell too much, I want to be cool!”
Unfiltered truth vs. “pain point marketing”
I’ve been silent. Help, give me a dare!
I’m being vulnerable… so why am I invisible?
Why can’t I just do the damn thing?
Why would my target market listen if I’ve failed?ers am I?” quiz, and get your free customized Mini Truth or Dare Challenge.