How to be private AND vulnerable

I ugly-cried on a live 2 days ago.

I’ve posted a drawing of my own vulva on Instagram for the world to see.

I’ve written about my insecurities, failures and embarrassments in my marketing copy.

I have been called the Queen of Authenticity… but here’s what you might not have assumed: I am actually a fiercely private person.

What I show you are very carefully-selected pieces.

I have never shared about the biggest traumas of my life, and probably never will.

These are the kinds of things that will probably be tender inside me until the day I die… and are NOT for public consumption.

I do not share deeply about my marriage.

I talk about how wonderful my husband is, but the intimate reality of my relationship is way too precious for me to blab about to the world.

I don’t talk much about my Christian faith.

It’s something that is at the very heart of who I am, and I do not want to invite the projections, misunderstandings, questions and debates of the world onto the thing that is the most sacred to me.

I have very few “real life” close friends. With them, I share a history, intimacies, and a sense of humor that you will never see me air online.

Yes, what I show you is curated. But this isn’t me engineering a certain ‘image’ to manipulate your perception of me.

This is about respect.

I show MYSELF respect when I protect what is most tender, intimate, and precious inside me from the public.

And I show YOU respect when I do not put a responsibility on you that you have never consented to take on: that of safeguarding, honoring, and loving on my tenderest places in the very specific way that I require.

And yet, I am truthful with you.

I constantly challenge myself to be even more truthful with you in ways that are congruent with my values… and appropriate to the relationship we have.

Truthfulness does not equal dumping all of my shit on you to deal with.

Authenticity does not equal showing you all of my bleeding wounds so that you can feel like you now have to take care of me.

My friend, I love you. I would love to grow closer with you.

And we can only have a healthy relationship when we have boundaries that allow us to enjoy each other in ways that are safe for both of us…

… and incrementally move into greater degrees of intimacy with fully-informed, mutual consent at every step.

Want to build relationships like this in your business through your copywriting?

I will teach you how.

It’s all happening inside my new course, Writing with the Sword, which kicks off tomorrow.

See you there.

Where boring copywriting goes to die

​Writing with the Sword begins today.

Tomorrow, I’m dropping the very first transmission, which will…

  • obliterate the “I don’t know what to write about” syndrome for good
  • solve the “I don’t know who I’m supposed to write to” dilemma entirely, for all time, and for everyone (yes, that includes if you don’t know what your business is or what your offer is or if you are mid-transition)
  • bring the difference between extractive copywriting and humane copywriting into brutally clear light, and show you exactly how to opt out of the former
  • get you starting to write — in the company and support of hundreds of like-minded friends — in ways that immediately start to pull in the best allies for your business.


Let’s do this.

P.S. — Here, we are strongly anti-FOMO.

Want to learn copy from me, but you’re feeling energetically or financially overstretched? No worries. Your timing is the best timing, urgency is a lie, and there is no such thing as missing out.

Please know that the course is always going to be available for you to buy later as a self-study version.

And my game-changing masterclass that fired shots heard ’round the internets, which only costs $25: How to write specific copy

Enjoy. Go slow. Trust yourself. Trust your timing.

Love you.

People aren’t vending machines.

Extractive capitalist business coaching culture has taught us that business is a vending machine.

Like this:

We add the ‘right’ input (i.e. the right strategies and ‘clear’ messaging and whatever), we’re supposed to get money output.

It has also taught us to see PEOPLE as vending machines.

Neither your business, nor your people are a vending machine.

Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t a morality lesson.

If this whole “treat people like a vending machine” strategy actually worked to get people real money when they need it, believe me, you’d see me teaching it.

I’d be the first to get it to you.

(Caveat: it actually does work. for the few who are deeply committed to being completely fucking shitty. They keep it up year after year and their conscience doesn’t get in the way, and work on their shitty tans on their stupid yachts bought with scammed money. The result is the post-apocalyptic landscape of dysfunctional relationships, dysregulated nervous systems and emptied bank accounts we’re seeing littering the online business-sphere.)

Here’s what I know, in terms of cold hard business pragmatics.

Approaching people like they’re a vending machine (“how do I write this CTA so they’ll buy?”)…. doesn’t work.

And worse: it repels people who might otherwise have been interested in your thing.

Clear, succinct “I help” statements, in the absence of a genuine community of human relationships that’s gathered around your YOU-ness… doesn’t work.

And worse: it makes people tune you out even when they would have otherwise loved to get to know you, because you sound like literally everybody else on social media and they can’t tell you apart.

I’m being way blunt about all of this because there is such a persistent toxic myth that you can either choose between (1) some kind of romantic idea of you just being ~authentic~ and frolicking through a field of daisies, taking it slow, ‘trusting the universe’…

… or (2) doing it the ‘strategic’ way that is ‘pragmatic’ and actually makes you money fast.


Writing humane AND effective copy is actually what makes you the most money, in the most sustainable way.

And humane AND effective copy is NOT the same thing as just ~being yourself~, posting a bunch of random shit and hoping some of it ‘sticks.’

It is a deeply confronting engagement with the aliveness inside you, and holding yourself to such a high standard of integrity in your relationships so that you genuinely become a safe place for others to spend money.

Here is my wish for you:

You become so skilled in doing that, that people are transformed just by reading your writing, and the world becomes a safer, more beautiful and humane place just because of your writing….

… so much so that it becomes a no-brainer for people to support you with their money.

Because whatever you’re doing… they know they want more of it.

For ALL of our sake.

There is a method to this madness. And it is many galaxies away from extractive capitalist copywriting.

I will teach it to you. ALL of it. The inner work, and the skill-building.

And we will journey through 7 weeks together, with tons of support from me, to make sure it becomes embodied.

Because nothing else will do.

My unconventional copy course “Writing with the Sword,” an unapologetic “fuck you” to everyone who’s ever told you to squeeze yourself into an “I help” statement, begins Wednesday.

Jump in now.

Got friend-zoned? Here’s how to fix it.

Cassandra says: “OMG I love you.”

Sunil says: “You’re so inspiring.”

But neither ever buys from you….?


Why this happens + how to fix it.

Here’s the uncomfortable truth. No matter how earnestly they say things like “I’d love to take you up on it one of these days”…

… you won’t see a single dollar unless they can see how your thing does one of the following two things (prepare to take notes!):

(1) Your thing takes away a specific pain that is URGENT for them, and they know of no other way to get rid of the pain despite having tried and tried and tried, and they’re feeling a visceral “ughhhhhhh!!!” about it.


(2) Your thing gives them something specific they URGENTLY want, and they know of no other way to get the thing despite having tried and tried and tried, and they’re feeling a visceral “ughhhhhhh!!!” about it.

Miss these two things? You can have the world’s most brilliant, original, and earth-shakingly powerful offer, and be passed up for someone who knows 10% of what you do. Ouch.

Time for a reality check. Most folks hear “heal your trauma with somatic work,” and have no visceral reaction.

Rita does, however, have a visceral “ughhhh” to finding herself repeating the same verbal abuse that she got from her mom, to her own kid. It makes her horrified to notice. She’s tried so hard to change it on her own, but when she’s stressed and tired… she snaps, and there it happens all over again.

Most people hear “rewire your brain to change your habits,” and have no visceral reaction.

Benny does, however, does have a visceral “ughhhh” to the fact that he’s spent THOUSANDS of dollars on gym memberships without ever going.

Every morning, he says “today!” but when he gets off work, he’d rather reach for a beer and say, “eh, tomorrow.” And then he feels relaxed for a second… and hates himself afterward.

The longer it goes on, the more ashamed he feels, and the more ashamed he feels, the less he wants to go. A vicious cycle he’s fucking sick and tired of. Meanwhile, his confidence is in the basement, affecting his work and love life.

You can just feel the visceral “ughhh!!”, right?

But most people don’t write copy like this.

Instead, they go on and on about how powerful somatic work is, the modalities they’ve been trained in, and how easy it can be to change habits through neuroscience principles…

… meanwhile, people are zoned way out and looking for someone to pay money to so they can get help with their “ughhhh”s.

Unfortunately, most people find it difficult to speak to the “ughhhh”s because they’ve never been taught how to look for them.

They’re also unsure how to talk about it the “ughhhh”s a way that is compassionate and helpful without feeling contrived…

… and doesn’t feel like you’re pushing against their bruises to make a sale. Because, ew, that’s gross.

This is exactly what I am breaking down inside Writing with the Sword.

I will lead you through a simple process to find your people’s most urgent “ughhhh”… and speak to it in a way that is clear, specific, and compassionate.

Then I’ll teach you how to invite them to change that feels both loving AND compelling.

This is a skill, and it is LEARNABLE.

Writing with the Sword, my new course on copywriting, begins May 8th.

I teach on this, and soooooo much more that will turn copywriting into your money-making power tool for the rest of your life.

P.S. — When I talk about money-making stuff, I gotta say this, because money is such a charged thing that easily triggers scarcity-buying. And we’re NOT about that!

None of this is a quick fix. It takes time, patience, and a spirit of devotion to the craft.

It is SO incredibly worth it. But it is not overnight… and no real skill-building ever is.

I’ll be with you every step of the way, and make it as simple and fun as possible. Ready to roll up your sleeves?

Let’s go.

You got ghosted. Now what?

Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us.

They said they’re super interested in working with you. You replied, “amazing, here are the next steps!”


*** crickets ***

Now what should you do?

Here’s the answer: NOTHING.

Don’t think about them.

You call in whom you focus on.

Every minute you spend problem-solving for someone who’s not ready to make the leap…. is another minute you’re NOT showing up for someone who IS.


What about that person who said they love your work, and potentially want to hire you… but are shopping around for other options?

What do you do?

Once again: NOTHING.

Stop thinking about them.

You call in whom you focus on.

Every minute you spend trying to figure out people who are shopping around, is another minute you’re NOT spending calling in someone for whom what you do has no competition.

What about those people on your email list who haven’t even opened the last 10 emails you’ve sent them? What should you do about that?

You guessed it: NOTHING.

Stop thinking about them.

You call in whom you focus on.

Every bit of energy you give to people who aren’t reading, you’re NOT giving to the person who is DELIGHTED every time they see your name in their inbox, and can’t open that email fast enough.

All that said, don’t get me wrong.

“Stop thinking about them” doesn’t mean they’re bad people and you hate them.

It doesn’t mean you take a defensive pouty posture like, “well, if you can’t see my worth, then fuck off!!!”

It just means you must be disciplined where you put your mind, because what you spend time thinking about and problem-solving for literally creates your reality.

If you want to call people who ‘get’ it, think your work has no parallel, and are hungry for every word that comes out of your mouth because it feeds them like nothing else does…

… (by the way, know that you GET TO HAVE that)…

… your first job to (1) believe that they exist, (2) deprive all the other random shit taking up space in your brain of oxygen, and (3) create an energetic ecosystem that is exclusively for THEM.

You might be asking, at this point… “Is this enough? What about folks who adore me, say they want to buy, but still haven’t bought?”

Why haven’t they indeed? Great question. There are only two reasons.

(1) There are still gaps of information for them,

(2) and/or they are still working on feeling SAFE enough to take the plunge.

So, how do you strategically fill those gaps of information, and create the safety for them to buy NOW?

And do it with care and consideration for them as human beings?

That’s exactly what I’ll be teaching inside Writing with the Sword.

There is a specific process you can take yourself through to take them from “ah, I’d love to do this one day” to “take my money NOW.”

I use it every time I launch to get all those people OFF the fence, and smashing that buy button.

I also use this every time I run fundraisers to raise money for causes I care about. (Hey, donating money requires safety, too.)

It works brilliantly to get people moving, and it will work for YOUR thing.

And you will learn every step of this.

Writing with the Sword begins May 8th.

Sign up now.

What would Jesus do?

100% full disclosure, I was a little tipsy when I wrote this.


< a little fictional dramedy >

Jesus Christ: “I am the Son of God, here to take away the sins of the world.”

Online Business Guru: “Okay, loving the confident mindset, boss babe!!!! But I need more.. who’s your Ideal Customer Avatar?”

Jesus Christ: “All of y’all sinners.”

Online Business Guru: “Okay babe we’re gonna have to be a little more targeted than that! Let’s narrow it down. Who have you served in the past? What do they have in common?”

Jesus Christ: “Well i was just talking to these two dudes, telling them to be the fishers of men….”

Online Business Guru: “Fishers of men… okay, I’m not getting the vibe yet, hun! Tell me more. What kind of car do these ~fishers of men~ drive? What are their pain points? What’s on their vision board? What’s their Starbucks order?”

Jesus Christ: “…. what.”

Online Business Guru: “you need to know all these things to get them to follow you.”

Jesus: “They are literally already following me.”

Online Business Guru: “Okay babe, I’m not seeing the 7-figure mindset here… Are you in it to win it or not???”

Jesus Christ: “I can’t believe i died for your sins”

……. aaaaaand scene.

You’re welcome.



P.S. — This could be you.

Writing knockout copy so fast, you could do it tipsy.

There’s a method to doing it fast, without compromising on quality.

When you learn the art of it, you can crank out irresistible posts or emails in minutes…

… so you can go back to remodeling your kitchen or taking care of your dad or doing soju shots with your honey (…. like I did after writing this little thing ).

Join Writing with the Sword.

Because what you have to say matters, and the world is hungry to hear it.