If you’re here with me, you gotta be a lover of paradoxes.
Because we’re gonna talk about how to make it raaaaain because you deserve the soft life AND also how the money-based capitalist system is toxic and must be dismantled and frankly we all can, and should learn to live on less.
Both are true. This is a paradox, not a contradiction.
A contradiction must be resolved.
A paradox must be lived into.
We live in a maddeningly complex, fucked up world. Therefore, so is everything we do. We soar, AND get dirty. We sing, AND we grieve.
Not either or. Both AND.
Really grateful for the Paradox conversation as this is something I feel has been completely lacking in my upbringing and the (Western) culture I was raised in. It’s Suuuuper awkward for me and a stretchy struggle. Really glad to be in it. I KNOW it’s stretching me as a person in hugely beneficial ways – as a parent of ND kiddos, in a historically “not brown/white enough” personal spot, a ‘woman of a certain age’… all the Things n Places. Thank you. My nervous system thanks you too 🙂