Cassandra says: “OMG I love you.”
Sunil says: “You’re so inspiring.”
But neither ever buys from you….?
Why this happens + how to fix it.
Here’s the uncomfortable truth. No matter how earnestly they say things like “I’d love to take you up on it one of these days”…
… you won’t see a single dollar unless they can see how your thing does one of the following two things (prepare to take notes!):
(1) Your thing takes away a specific pain that is URGENT for them, and they know of no other way to get rid of the pain despite having tried and tried and tried, and they’re feeling a visceral “ughhhhhhh!!!” about it.
(2) Your thing gives them something specific they URGENTLY want, and they know of no other way to get the thing despite having tried and tried and tried, and they’re feeling a visceral “ughhhhhhh!!!” about it.
Miss these two things? You can have the world’s most brilliant, original, and earth-shakingly powerful offer, and be passed up for someone who knows 10% of what you do. Ouch.
Time for a reality check. Most folks hear “heal your trauma with somatic work,” and have no visceral reaction.
Rita does, however, have a visceral “ughhhh” to finding herself repeating the same verbal abuse that she got from her mom, to her own kid. It makes her horrified to notice. She’s tried so hard to change it on her own, but when she’s stressed and tired… she snaps, and there it happens all over again.
Most people hear “rewire your brain to change your habits,” and have no visceral reaction.
Benny does, however, does have a visceral “ughhhh” to the fact that he’s spent THOUSANDS of dollars on gym memberships without ever going.
Every morning, he says “today!” but when he gets off work, he’d rather reach for a beer and say, “eh, tomorrow.” And then he feels relaxed for a second… and hates himself afterward.
The longer it goes on, the more ashamed he feels, and the more ashamed he feels, the less he wants to go. A vicious cycle he’s fucking sick and tired of. Meanwhile, his confidence is in the basement, affecting his work and love life.
You can just feel the visceral “ughhh!!”, right?
But most people don’t write copy like this.
Instead, they go on and on about how powerful somatic work is, the modalities they’ve been trained in, and how easy it can be to change habits through neuroscience principles…
… meanwhile, people are zoned way out and looking for someone to pay money to so they can get help with their “ughhhh”s.
Unfortunately, most people find it difficult to speak to the “ughhhh”s because they’ve never been taught how to look for them.
They’re also unsure how to talk about it the “ughhhh”s a way that is compassionate and helpful without feeling contrived…
… and doesn’t feel like you’re pushing against their bruises to make a sale. Because, ew, that’s gross.
This is exactly what I am breaking down inside Writing with the Sword.
I will lead you through a simple process to find your people’s most urgent “ughhhh”… and speak to it in a way that is clear, specific, and compassionate.
Then I’ll teach you how to invite them to change that feels both loving AND compelling.
This is a skill, and it is LEARNABLE.
Writing with the Sword, my new course on copywriting, begins May 8th.
I teach on this, and soooooo much more that will turn copywriting into your money-making power tool for the rest of your life.
P.S. — When I talk about money-making stuff, I gotta say this, because money is such a charged thing that easily triggers scarcity-buying. And we’re NOT about that!
None of this is a quick fix. It takes time, patience, and a spirit of devotion to the craft.
It is SO incredibly worth it. But it is not overnight… and no real skill-building ever is.
I’ll be with you every step of the way, and make it as simple and fun as possible. Ready to roll up your sleeves?
Let’s go.