I was coaching a friend the other day.

She’s one of the most brilliant people I know. I feel strongly everyone should know her work.

And guess what?

She told me she only sends emails to her people like once every TWO months.


I was appalled. (If you had any doubt…. YES, THAT IS WAY TOO FEW!!!!)

And of course, I was yelling at her about it, begging her to PLEASE give the people what they want… which is, more of her.

She was, understandably, a little apprehensive about it. She asked: “But how many emails is too many? Won’t people get sick of them?”

Here’s what I told her.

“There is a huge difference between writing to connect to people, and writing to market AT people. People love connecting. People hate being marketed AT. if you write twice a week genuinely connecting to people, they’ll love reading every word.”

She was a little stunned to hear this.


We email to connect, NOT to push our shit at people.

Email is a sacred place where we get to feel the heartbeat of another person, and revel in our stories together.

Our togetherness right here, right now makes the cruelty and madness of life… make a teeny bit more sense.

Don’t get me wrong… of course, I run a business, so I let you know about my offers and invite you into them, too.

And I do so without apology, because my shit is GOOD!

But guess what?

I’ve already been writing devotedly for years when I was making NO money.

To this day, I send emails that have nothing to do with me selling anything.

And even if I completely folded my business in the future, I would still continue to write to you.


Almost nobody approaches email marketing this way.

Many would even call my approach dumb.

Maybe I am, but if ‘dumb’ means I get to touch tens of thousands of lives and make millions of dollars using nothing but my words, I’m fine with that.


Dear friend, if you hope to touch lots of people with your gifts, you want to have email on your side.

Especially in the age of social media, where Zuck owns all of your shit and can take away all of it whenever they want.

There’s a lot that goes into writing exceptional emails with HEART and SOUL.

I created a fat little resource called “Simone’s Email Secrets“, in which I have distilled not just my unique email philosophy, but also all my best tips and tricks for:

  1. establishing a writing routine that is actually enjoyable and doesn’t take you forever,
  2. writing emails people WANT to read, even if they hate everybody else’s emails,
  3. making sure your email is actually making you good money — without EVER making folks feel hustled and preyed upon.

This is everything you need to know.

And this resource is included as a supplemental lesson inside Writing with the Sword, on top of the primary curriculum.

We start next Wednesday.

P.S. — Speaking of supplemental lessons… this ain’t the only one.

I am including a total of FIVE supremely useful bonus resources inside Writing with the Sword:

  • Bonus #1: Simone’s Email Secrets
  • Bonus #2: The Book of Never-Ending Copy Prompts
  • Bonus #3: The Irresistible CTA Guide
  • Bonus #4: The Ultimate Book of Copy Q&A: The Expanded Edition
  • Bonus #5: Fix Your Damn IG Bio: The Cheat Sheet

If you’ve been in any of my courses, you know that every single thing I do is extremely nutrient-dense.

When I say this is the only copywriting training you’ll ever need…

… I motherfuckin’ MEAN it.

Go, go, go. Sign up.