I promised my clients I would post this publicly.

I would 100% be living with my parents if I weren’t married. 

Whole-ass adults living with their parents is still the default in cultures outside of pathologically individualism-obsessed America.

Living alone is also just not financially feasible in many parts of the world where living spaces are much more cramped and expensive.

Fuck anyone who shames you about it. Literally tell them “why yes, I live with my parents. I’ve been lucky enough to escape dystopian individualism.”

If given a choice again between living alone (ew, I hate being lonely), living with roommates (ugh), and living with people who gave birth to me and love me (and getting to save on rent!), it’s a no-brainer choice.

Warm bodies of family members nearby is a good thing for humans and that doesn’t change because you’re a grown-up.

Big big caveat: I’m not talking about if you actually enjoy living alone, or don’t have a good relationship with your parents.

Like if you have crappy parents and want to be away from them, or you are truly living your best life on your own — Woohoo! I celebrate you and your badass independence!

Through this post, I am only attempting to explicitly address all the shaming around people who choose to live with parents for different reasons, especially when it really helps them to reduce their financial burden as an entrepreneur. 

I also recognize that having parents you have a good relationship with, and having the choice of being able to live with them and have it be a positive experience and save on rent is a huge privilege. This is not true of everyone who has parents. 

I recognize that some have the privilege due to sheer good luck, and others don’t due to no fault of their own. I’m saying: if you do have this unearned advantage, the least you could do is to not feel shame about it.

Generally, life is hard, and life is expensive — it seems like — pretty much everywhere nowadays. Everyone who is figuring out how to make life work for themselves in these crazy times is deserving of our respect and admiration.