Simone Seol

Here for humans who want to human more humanely.



Business / Cold Pitching / Copywriting /  Decolonization Inspiration and EncouragemenMental Health / Money Personal Stuff Philosophical-ish Musings Sales Social Justice

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How do I get started writing when in limbo?

Questioner: Thank you for the challenge. I closed my business 8 months ago, but I know I want to keep showing up and posting content here. I don’t know what, when, or how I’m going to do business again.

But I’ve loved sharing content since 2010 (and it wasn’t for business before). I want to find my voice again. I want to feel at home when I’m sharing something and feel good, surrounded by people here.

What will be the path, or what should I unlearn and try to unstuck myself from overthinking all of this?

Simone: Show up exactly how you showed up here. Say exactly that. Just tell the truth of where you are, and do it again and again.

Your life is a grand experiment, and so is everyone else’s.

No one knows what they’re doing—especially not me. We are all iterating, messing up, navigating chaos, and learning and growing.

Telling the truth about that is the only interesting thing you can say, and everything else is a performance.

“What do I say?” is your socialized programming trying to think of how to follow the rules you’ve been given. Throw that out the window.

Claim your ticket to the one-and-only live round of Truth or Dare.

Take your “Which one of the 4 types of hiders am I?” quiz, and get your free customized Mini Truth or Dare Challenge.

This is part of a Q&A series regarding the Mini Truth or Dare Challenge. Read the rest:

What if I don’t know what my offer is?

Can you be fierce without alienating people?

How do I get vulnerable without getting unsolicited coaching?

Why is my honesty getting crickets?

How do I get started writing when in limbo?

Is creative expression a “must”?

“I’m okay with my clients hating me for a while, but not my audience!”

“I don’t want to sell too much, I want to be cool!”

Unfiltered truth vs. “pain point marketing”

I’ve been silent. Help, give me a dare!

I’m being vulnerable… so why am I invisible?

Why can’t I just do the damn thing?

Why would my target market listen if I’ve failed?ers am I?” quiz, and get your free customized Mini Truth or Dare Challenge.

Will Truth or Dare help for old school networking?

Questioner: Course question—I’m an old-school networker, don’t do a huge online biz component on social. T or D still helpful?

Simone: A lot of Truth or Dare will focus on online marketing, but a good chunk of it will be dedicated to in-person reachouts and network-building as well, because I find my people are increasingly wary of putting all their eggs in the social media basket.

But independent of whether you join T or D, I think you should consider building an online presence that reflects your brilliance and energy. It really couldn’t hurt, and you never know what kind of connections it could create.

Nurturing online connections is the same as offline connections — none of it is any kind of instant solution.

But the more you show up as your authentic self and give yourself “dares” to connect instead of hiding in your bubble (not saying you’re doing that, just generally), the more opportunities you’ll create for yourself!

So that’s the meat of T or D: daring to be your most authentic and brave self and building your tolerance for taking strategic risks to maximize the opportunities that come your way, whether online or off.

If that sounds like something you might have fun with, we’d love to have you.

Claim your ticket to the one-and-only live round of Truth or Dare.

Take your “Which one of the 4 types of hiders am I?” quiz, and get your free customized Mini Truth or Dare Challenge.

This is part of a Q&A series regarding the Mini Truth or Dare Challenge. Read the rest:

What if I don’t know what my offer is?

Can you be fierce without alienating people?

How do I get vulnerable without getting unsolicited coaching?

Why is my honesty getting crickets?

How do I get started writing when in limbo?

Is creative expression a “must”?

“I’m okay with my clients hating me for a while, but not my audience!”

“I don’t want to sell too much, I want to be cool!”

Unfiltered truth vs. “pain point marketing”

I’ve been silent. Help, give me a dare!

I’m being vulnerable… so why am I invisible?

Why can’t I just do the damn thing?

Why would my target market listen if I’ve failed?

“I don’t want to sell too much, I want to be cool!”

Questioner: I KNOW this course is going to be excellent and deliver tremendous value. And there’s this huge fear of coming off as too salesy or pushy in sharing it with my audience.

I want them to think I’m COOL. That I don’t NEED them to join. But I also know that they FUCKING NEED TO JOIN.

And I don’t want to “insult” them by being like, “Listen, your skills in this area are just not up to par, and if you get them up to par: 1) it’s going to be fun, 2) it’s not going to be that hard, and 3) most importantly, it’s going to make your offerings TEN TIMES BETTER and you are going to feel like you slayed a dragon.”

Lol. Ok, that’s pretty good—maybe I should use it.

But I think the key thing here is the fear of “insulting” them or calling them out.

Simone: Why would they join if their skills ARE up to par?

Questioner: Haha, correct. They wouldn’t.

It feels like I’m playing out some high school dynamic of worrying that they’re going to think I think I’m better than them and therefore not like me—especially since I’m selling in part to folks who I know personally / are colleagues.

Guess it’s an opportunity to blast through thaaaat.

Simone: Oooh, so this is about THIS belief… to be liked, I have to be small.

Questioner: 1000%.

Simone: (I fucking love marketing. It makes you work through allll your favorite shadows.)

If someone only likes you when you’re small, are they worth keeping around?

Questioner: UGH. Dammit. Not at all.

Simone: Are you worth being surrounded by people who love you in your bigness?

Questioner: Totally. And it’s one of the things folks love / reflect / are served and inspired by.

Simone: You sure?

Questioner: …Mkay.

Simone: Sounds like it’s time to allow people to either love you (and pay you) in your bigness, or fuck off…

Claim your ticket to the one-and-only live round of Truth or Dare.

Take your “Which one of the 4 types of hiders am I?” quiz, and get your free customized Mini Truth or Dare Challenge.

This is part of a Q&A series regarding the Mini Truth or Dare Challenge. Read the rest:

What if I don’t know what my offer is?

Can you be fierce without alienating people?

How do I get vulnerable without getting unsolicited coaching?

Why is my honesty getting crickets?

How do I get started writing when in limbo?

Is creative expression a “must”?

“I’m okay with my clients hating me for a while, but not my audience!”

“I don’t want to sell too much, I want to be cool!”

Unfiltered truth vs. “pain point marketing”

I’ve been silent. Help, give me a dare!

I’m being vulnerable… so why am I invisible?

Why can’t I just do the damn thing?

Why would my target market listen if I’ve failed?

I’m Simone Seol
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