His name was Jonah.

The year was 2014. While all the other dudes were covered in plaid, skinny jeans and beanies, this guy wore **bespoke Italian suits**.

He read philosophy and knew wine. Had the sad poet’s eyes that makes me go weak at the knees.

Jonah was so dang cute. And DEFINITELY flirting with me.

I was actually kind of mystified that he wasn’t asking me out. Like… “what the hell dude? i saw the way you look at me!”

I remember thinking… What if he’s just shy and we are meant to make babies and live happily ever after and NONE OF IT HAPPENED BECAUSE BOTH OF US WERE TOO CHICKEN TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE?! 

Normally, I’m not the kind of person to make the first move. EVER.

I like to be *~pursued~*

But that time, something came over me. I thought to myself, “you know what? This time, I’m gonna do something out of character. LIFE IS TOO SHORT.”

So I said fuck it, took a big breath, and texted him…. “Hey, would you want to get dinner sometime?”

Cue heart palpitations!

He immediately texted back (yay!) but his response wasn’t what I was hoping for (boo!!) : “Aw man, I’d love to… but I have to be transparent with you, I do have a girlfriend”. 

Womp womp womp!

But here’s the weird thing.

I remember walking home from work when I got that text… and guess what? Surprisingly, I didn’t feel terrible like I fully expected to.

I actually felt… kinda…. empowered? A little badass?

Like I’m no longer a little helpless damsel in distress waiting to be found and pursued.

Like I can ask for what I want. Even when it’s a guy.

And the world doesn’t end if I get a “no” and what really matters is that I BECOME THE KIND OF WOMAN WHO CAN ASK FOR THINGS.

Now, Jonah didn’t end up being my Forever Dude (thankfully, so he could make way for Panda Dad…

… but Being an Asker became a forever trait inside me. And that has been 1000000000000000x more valuable.

Because you know what? Life IS too short. And you’re no damsel in distress, waiting for rescue.

So… let me ask you. What makes YOU go weak at the knees? What opportunity is “flirting” with you?

Consider this a sign from the universe to go ask for it.

Ask for the sale.

Ask for the guest spot.

Ask for the stage.

Ask for the donation.

Then ask again. Ask bigger. Ask bolder.

If you’re making big and bold enough asks, you’ll get told “no” a lot. So freaking what?

Here’s what people don’t often realize about pitching yourself: what you’re really buying with all the asks is NOT other people’s “yes,” but SELF-RESPECT.

The self-respect of someone whose courage is bigger than their fear…. who leaps into the unknown because they know they’re their own damn knight in shining armor.

That’s the real prize.

And that self-respect…. tastes like *chef’s kiss*.

Better than Oprah personally declaring that you’re the most brilliant person she’s ever met…

… or better than a billion dollars or the roar of a stadium full of fans.

Sam Garcia and I are teaching a 2-hour class called Cold Pitch Magic on June 20th.

It’s $45.

Join us because, YES, we’re spilling the beans on exactly what goes into cold pitches that open hearts, wallets, and doors.

But equally important to us — if not more important — is that you’ll learn how to fast-track SPIRITUAL CONGRUENCE. The kind you feel when you’re taking bold action on your truest and squishiest dreams.

You’ll fall so much more deeply in love with yourself, and your life will feel so much more like yours.

And there is no greater prize than that on Earth.

Register here to meet us there.



P.S. — About Jonah… it turned out later that he was kind of a man whore — hence all the flirting with me while he had a girlfriend — and I dodged a huge bullet.

Just so you know… some no’s are definitely the universe protecting you on your way to get something much better! lol