Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us.

They said they’re super interested in working with you. You replied, “amazing, here are the next steps!”


*** crickets ***

Now what should you do?

Here’s the answer: NOTHING.

Don’t think about them.

You call in whom you focus on.

Every minute you spend problem-solving for someone who’s not ready to make the leap…. is another minute you’re NOT showing up for someone who IS.


What about that person who said they love your work, and potentially want to hire you… but are shopping around for other options?

What do you do?

Once again: NOTHING.

Stop thinking about them.

You call in whom you focus on.

Every minute you spend trying to figure out people who are shopping around, is another minute you’re NOT spending calling in someone for whom what you do has no competition.

What about those people on your email list who haven’t even opened the last 10 emails you’ve sent them? What should you do about that?

You guessed it: NOTHING.

Stop thinking about them.

You call in whom you focus on.

Every bit of energy you give to people who aren’t reading, you’re NOT giving to the person who is DELIGHTED every time they see your name in their inbox, and can’t open that email fast enough.

All that said, don’t get me wrong.

“Stop thinking about them” doesn’t mean they’re bad people and you hate them.

It doesn’t mean you take a defensive pouty posture like, “well, if you can’t see my worth, then fuck off!!!”

It just means you must be disciplined where you put your mind, because what you spend time thinking about and problem-solving for literally creates your reality.

If you want to call people who ‘get’ it, think your work has no parallel, and are hungry for every word that comes out of your mouth because it feeds them like nothing else does…

… (by the way, know that you GET TO HAVE that)…

… your first job to (1) believe that they exist, (2) deprive all the other random shit taking up space in your brain of oxygen, and (3) create an energetic ecosystem that is exclusively for THEM.

You might be asking, at this point… “Is this enough? What about folks who adore me, say they want to buy, but still haven’t bought?”

Why haven’t they indeed? Great question. There are only two reasons.

(1) There are still gaps of information for them,

(2) and/or they are still working on feeling SAFE enough to take the plunge.

So, how do you strategically fill those gaps of information, and create the safety for them to buy NOW?

And do it with care and consideration for them as human beings?

That’s exactly what I’ll be teaching inside Writing with the Sword.

There is a specific process you can take yourself through to take them from “ah, I’d love to do this one day” to “take my money NOW.”

I use it every time I launch to get all those people OFF the fence, and smashing that buy button.

I also use this every time I run fundraisers to raise money for causes I care about. (Hey, donating money requires safety, too.)

It works brilliantly to get people moving, and it will work for YOUR thing.

And you will learn every step of this.

Writing with the Sword begins May 8th.

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